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MNC Peduli – Blood Donation Program

14 May 2018 .

JAKARTA – Many ways to help others. One of them is by donating blood, as did by Viki Irawan, one of the MNC Group’s employees.

He acknowledges that this humanitarian activity is very useful. In fact, he had donated blood more than once.

“It’s good to be like this. Besides for healthy reasons, we can also share with others especially before Ramadan,” said Viki after attending a blood donation event held by MNC Peduli in iNews Tower, Jakarta, Monday (May 14, 2018).

In this event, MNC Peduli works together with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Sukabumi. The theme of this social action is MNC Love Donation “Let’s Share the Love with Your Blood”.

Viki also hopes, in the future MNC Peduli can more regularly organize blood donation activities. “Hopefully, this event can be more frequent,” he said.

Another employee, Dadang (37), also wants MNC Peduli’s blood donation program to be continually organized in order to help donate his blood, mentioning, “So I do not have to find another place for the donation, just in the office”.

This event which was started since the morning was also attended by Chairman III of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo who also donated her blood. In this event, PR of Blood Transfusion Unit of PMI Sukabumi Agus Sutisna appreciates MNC Peduli.

According to him, besides helping others, this social action also aims to increase the blood supply in PMI. “Thank you MNC Peduli has implemented this blood donation. Insya Allah for the bloodstock in PMI Sukabumi will be safe during Ramadan. Plus the stock from MNC Peduli,” said Agus.