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MNC Bank Through MNC Peduli Give Donation with Baznas

23 May 2018 .

JAKARTA – MNC Bank together with Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) held an iftar event and giving donations for 100 orphans from Yayasan TPA Raudhatul Ilmi, Cilincing, North Jakarta. Besides the board of directors and employees of MNC Bank, the Head of Retail Collecting Division Baznas, Fitriansyah Agus Setiawan, and teams from Baznas are also attend.

President Director of MNC Bank Benny Purnomo said an event is a form of commitment and social concern in Ramadan. “MNC Bank through MNC Peduli in cooperation with Baznas held activities in the bank’s operational community,” said Benny at MNC Financial Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/23/2018).

Benny also said the event is also enlivened activities such as recitations of Al-Quran and tausiyah. It is expected that with this event, the welfare of the community in the area in which the bank operates can be increased, then, of course, the bigger business can be achieved. “Therefore, aside from being a form of social responsibility, this activity is also considered as an investment for the next generation and for the bank itself,” said Benny.

Benny hopes this annual routine event can spur public awareness to help and ease the burden on society, and not be mere compliance with the rules and regulations.

“We hope that this donation and tausiyah activity can give positive results to the community, so it is not only to fulfill the reporting, but it is really real, therefore we have Baznas with experience in moderating the social gap and helping to provide equitable assistance,” said Benny

While Retail Collecting Division Head, Fitriansyah Agus Setiawan said MNC Bank activities could spur the rise of zakat in this country. “Hopefully this can be an example for other companies and banks to donate to Baznas to alleviate poverty in the country,” said Fitriansyah on the same occasion.

Baznas is a non-structural government agency responsible for the management of zakat nationally. Baznas was established based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) no. 8/2001. In accordance with Law No. 23/2011 on Zakat Management, Baznas is obliged to carry out planning, implement and control over the collection, distribution and utilization of zakat, as well as reporting and accountability of zakat management.

Source: www.sindonews.com